I have my own plans, and I know what my plans are. I know what I have decided should be done. I know how I expect things to turn out. I have in my mind what I think should happen, how things should unfold.
That’s all well and good if my plans are good, but what if that is not what God wants? I can make grand plans and have amazing ideas, but they are no good if I never ask, “What do you want, Lord?”
Scripture tells us…

It is an excellent verse from Scripture, full of assurance. Lord, you have a plan, and you have a good plan. You want us to prosper. You want us to have hope and a future. It is a beautiful promise, one that gives us hope and encouragement. But it raises a question: “Are my plans in line with God’s plans? Or am I out there on my own?” So the question I should be asking is, “Lord am I on track?”
The challenge is whether I’m willing to surrender my will, plans, and desires so that I can pursue what God wants instead. Sometimes, that is hard. Sometimes I don’t want to let go. Allowing God to strip me of the things that get in the way of his will and plans can be painful. But the plans God has are to prosper and not harm, so however hard it is to let go of my ideas, giving them up for what God wants is always better in the long run.
So the questions I should be asking are, “Lord, what are you doing?” “Where are you going?” “What is your plan?” “Lord, show me your plan and give me the strength to walk in the path that you are laying out.”
Jesus, all for Jesus,
All I am and have and ever hope to be.
Jesus, all for Jesus,
All I am and have and ever hope to be.
All of my ambitions, hopes and plans
I surrender these into Your hands.
All of my ambitions, hopes and plans
I surrender these into Your hands.
For it’s only in Your will that I am free,
For it’s only in Your will that I am free,
Jesus, all for Jesus,
All I am and have and ever hope to be.
(“Jesus all for Jesus” by Robin Mark)
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