“Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water.”
“Come,” he said.
Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. Matthew 14:28-29
Father God, we give you thanks that in your sovereignty, you have chosen to use us to advance your Kingdom. We thank you for the opportunities we have to join you in the work which you are doing.
Thank you for the power of your Holy Spirit which you pour out upon us, and upon your church. We thank you that we don’t do this by ourselves but in cooperation with all the resources of heaven.
Lord God, as you fill us with your Holy Spirit, give us opportunities to step out in faith to be your witnesses. Please help us to see those opportunities in our lives and provide us with courage and boldness to step out.
Lord, this faith, clothed in obedience, is, at times, scary. So please help us to lean into you more in those times in trust and faith.
You ask those who love you to obey you as Peter did when you called him to come to you, as you walked on water.
Lord, strengthen our trust, our will, our love so that we can step out of the boat as Peter did. Keep our eyes fixed upon you so that we do not sink.
Father, transform our churches so that we become known for stepping out in faith, beyond what can be seen. Cause your body to become more reliant upon you and let the world see your faithfulness as we surrender and step out.
We ask this all in the name of Jesus, who calls us out of the boat. Amen.
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