“So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened. Luke 11:9-10

Father God, we thank you that you are a good father, who gives good gifts to your children, and especially the gift of the Holy Spirit.
We thank you that you invite us to ask for the things we need every day. But most of all, you request that we ask you for your Holy Spirit.
We recognize our need for you, Lord Jesus, as our saviour, and give thanks for how your Holy Spirit does the work of new birth within us.
But we also recognize the need for your Holy Spirit’s power to enable us to participate in building your Kingdom, so we ask you, Lord, send the gift of your Holy Spirit to empower us.
Just as an automobile regularly needs to be filled up to run, we know Lord that we need to continue to ask you to fill us with your Holy Spirit.
Lord, build in us dependence upon you. Let us not to slip into thinking we have this, but always to be looking to you, and your Holy Spirit for our empowerment.
Lord, we also want to ask on behalf of the church, will you pour out your Holy Spirit on your church to enable her to be the witness you have called her to be.
Pour out your Holy Spirit Lord, empower your body to be a powerful witness of your love and grace. Equip your church with the spiritual gifts needed. Let signs and wonders continue to point to you, and your majesty, so that the world may turn and see you, encounter you and be drawn to you.
We ask all this in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Yes and amen! Thank you for all you are doing! We are sending up a mighty chorus of prayer, praise, repentance and travail for this nation and the world! Thank you! The cloak of darkness is being removed, principalities shaken and angel armies are on the move! We praise your Lord! Look out earth Holy Ghost and fire ? on the way! May the Glory of God arise and let his enemies be scattered. Bring in the lost and satisfy your desire for a mighty harvest of souls! Thank you for the power of the cross and Pentecost!
Amen and amen. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you!