“Stretch out your hand to heal and perform signs and wonders through the name of your holy servant Jesus.” After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly. Acts 4:30-31

Almighty Heavenly Father, you poured out the Holy Spirit in power upon the disciples as they waited and prayed in the upper room on Pentecost.
Their lives were forever changed. Filled with the Holy Spirit, they stepped out in boldness to speak, to act, to pray for healing and deliverance, and to continue to do the same things that Jesus had been doing.
Lord, through the Holy Spirit operating in love, you bring regeneration and new life to believers. Holy Spirit, you are the bond of love that unites us to Jesus Christ. We thank you for that love, which is poured out into our hearts by the Holy Spirit.
But we also thank you for coming to us in power to enable us to be your witnesses. We thank you for the spiritual gifts you pour out upon us to allow us to advance your kingdom.
Father, would you pour out your Holy Spirit upon us like you did on Pentecost. Pour out your Spirit in power upon your church.
Lord, may the world see that there is a change so that they begin to ask, “What does this mean?”
Lord, let your church boldly declare the name of Jesus Christ as the only way of salvation.
Let your church, moving in love, demonstrate compassion, mercy and God’s grace to a world sinking in darkness.
Let your church move with signs and wonders, bringing healing and deliverance to individuals and speaking peace into hostility.
Lord, give us opportunities to witness about you to the people you bring across our paths. Help us to recognize those kairos moments when your Holy Spirit is moving and inviting us to step into cooperation with you.
May our faith increase as we see the Lord move by his Spirit.
As we praise your name, we ask this, for you are faithful in answering with the promise of your Holy Spirits power. May it be all for Your glory, Lord Jesus. Amen.

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